The scientific name of coconut is Cocos nucifera.Coconut consists of meat ,milk, water,oil.It is a very healthy food to be consumed.Coconut provides the important vitamins ,minerals and fiber required for the body.It consists of 0% cholesterol in it.It consists of saturated fatty acids (little fat),but this fatty acids are of medium chain fatty acids type(MCTS),so that they do not add much to your body fat.That is MCTS are responsible for increasing body metabolism which ultimately leads to the reduction of fat.I suggest this nut to be added into the menu of obese people who want to lose their weight healthily.In the past there is a misconception that coconut fat adds a lot to the body fat ,but recent studies proved that the fatty acids does'nt add to the body fat.
Here is a video for you which explains much more about the importance and nutritive value of coconuts.