Today i just want to say the causes of obesity.Generally we all know that obesity is caused due to the consumption of fatty foods and lack of exercise.There are many other causes of obesity other than this.They are,
1.Heredity:obesity is caused due to the transfer of obese genes from parent to the off-spring.There are 30 to 40% chances that obesity is caused due to this reason.Recently our scientists are trying to isolate the genes that are responsible for obesity and still the research is going on.
2.Food Habits:Nowadays food is available everywhere.Today if we take any shopping mall or a film theare,park or any other place every where food is sold.That too they contain lots of calories and fat in them.Watching television while eating is a bad habit and it leads to obesity.
3.Lack of exercise:Lack of exercise and sedentary life(due to modern working style) is the other cause of obesity.
4.Stress and hormones:Today life is full of tensions and stress.This stress causes a lot of health disorders and obesity is one of those.
Due to stress the hormonal imbalance occurs.Eg: Hypothyroidism:this is caused due to lowered production of thyroid hormones.hypothyroidism is one of the causes of obesity .
1.Heredity:obesity is caused due to the transfer of obese genes from parent to the off-spring.There are 30 to 40% chances that obesity is caused due to this reason.Recently our scientists are trying to isolate the genes that are responsible for obesity and still the research is going on.
2.Food Habits:Nowadays food is available everywhere.Today if we take any shopping mall or a film theare,park or any other place every where food is sold.That too they contain lots of calories and fat in them.Watching television while eating is a bad habit and it leads to obesity.
3.Lack of exercise:Lack of exercise and sedentary life(due to modern working style) is the other cause of obesity.
4.Stress and hormones:Today life is full of tensions and stress.This stress causes a lot of health disorders and obesity is one of those.
Due to stress the hormonal imbalance occurs.Eg: Hypothyroidism:this is caused due to lowered production of thyroid hormones.hypothyroidism is one of the causes of obesity .
Hormone Leptin:This hormone is responsible for the feeling of fullness in the stomach after consumption of food.When the activity of this hormone is hindered we donot feel fullness and we eat more.Ultimately this leads to obesity.
5.Use of Medications:The medications used for altered moods, anxiety,depression and migraines are known to cause obesity.Contraceptives and steroids are also responsible to cause obesity.One cause of obesity due to these medications is that they hold lots of water in the body which increases our weight.
6.Age:As the age increases the muscle gets decreased and the fat accumulation increases.This is why because the muscle is responsible for metabolism.Since the muscle gets reduced our body metabolism gets reduced and finally the fat gets accumulated.So as the age increases we must reduce our food quantity.
7.Gender:The fat accumulation is found to be more in females than males because males have more muscle than females.So the metabolic rate is more in males so more energy is utilized in them than females.