Today i want to tell you about a recipe which is low in calories and provides all the essential nutrients to the body.This recipe is very easy to prepare and very tasty.
Ingredients: Apple and Orange Juices=200ml
Cantoloupe -small
Mint and Almonds for decoration
Method of preparation: Take a vessel and pour the apple and orange juice in it.Now cut all the fruits into small pieces.Add all the pieces of the above listed fruits into the juice and mix it well .Mix the fruit pieces very well so that all the pieces get covered by the juice.Add mint and almonds on it.Keep this preparation aside for 2 hours so that each and every piece absorbs the juice evenly. If you wanna add any other fruits you can add that is your choice.
Note.If anyone feels like adding some sugar add honey instead of it.It gives sweetness and even good for health.
Nutritive value:This salad contains all the fruits (like pineapple) that provide lots of fiber in them.It is said that children should have atleast 2.5 to 5 cups of fruit pieces everyday and teens and adults should have 3.5 to 6 cups of fruit pieces everyday.This is very much useful to obese people.The fiber in the fruits act like a sponge and absorbs more water consumed by us.This brings the feeling of fullness earlier than normal food.