Monday, January 31, 2011


Pomegranate is one of the most nutritious fruit among all fruits.

Pomegranate is a very good source of vitamin -C, pantothenic acid ,vitamin B5 ,potassium and poly phenols such as tannins and flavonoids.

They are very rich in fiber The poly phenols in this juice are hydrolyzabletannins called ellagitannins.

Another phytochemicals found in this fruit are catechins,gallocatechinsand anthocyanins such as prodephinidns ,delphinidin ,cyanidin and pelargonidin.

The antioxidant capacity of this juice is measured as 286- units per 100gms.

Juice of pomegranate is effective in reducing heart disease.

Extract of fruit can inhibit the proliferation of human breast cancer cells.

Juice of Pomegranate consumption may also inhibit viral infections.

Overall this fruit also has some traditional importance through out the world.

This fruit is considered as a sign of prosperity and fertility in some Asian countries.


It is advised to eat pomegranate during pregnancy since it is rich in Folic acid.Folic acid helps in the healthy  growth of the foetus both physically and mentally .It helps in keeping the skin healthy.It is rich in water. The calories obtained from this fruit come mainly from carbohydrates.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Importance of Dates in your Daily life

Dates are one type of dry fruits which contains lots of essential nutrients .Dates



Garlic  belongs to the  family Allicaceae. Its scientific name is Allium sativum.It leading producer in the world is China followed by India.It contains many medicinal values. It has many anti bacterial and antiviral properties.Garlic which is more pungent is known to contain more sulphur content which has more medicinal values than garlic which is less pungent.It is known to prevent cold and flu.

Health benefits of garlic can be increased if we start using it for cooking after it reaches the room temperature.If the chopped garlic is left for sometime before cooking its anti cancerous properties get improved.Allicin (one of the garlics highly valued sulphur compound stays intact in tact for 2 -16hrs at room temp.but chopped garlic it stays for 2-1/2 days.

Garlic is a very good a source of manganese, vitamin-C ,Selenium and vitamin-B6.

The antioxidant property of Garlic is due to the presence of Selenium in it.

Vitamin B6 present in it  helps prevent heart disease.

Garlic is also known to increase the milk production in lactating women.This is the reason why in India the lactating women are given more garlic for 3 to 6 months after giving birth.

Garlic has more antibacterial and anti viral properties.

It  is also effective against fungus, worms and yeast.

The disulphide in garlic ajoene, has been successfully used to prevent infection caused by yeast Candida albicans.
It also prevents the bacterial infections which are not cured by prescription antibiotics due to the resistance built by their excessive use.

Garlic is known to improve the iron metabolism in our body.
Garlic improves the production of  ferroportin a protein which helps keep iron in circulation as it is needed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



                                            The scientific name of Basil is Ocimum basilicum. It is a small herb which was first seen in asian countries.This plant has many medicinal values as well as nutritional values.This herb is known to have many anti-microbial , anti-cancerous and  antioxidant properties. This herb is widely used in ayurvedic medicine (most famous in India).

In ayurvedic medicine it is used in treating stress, asthma and diabetes.
the leaves of basil  contains some essential oils namely eugenol, citronellol, linalool, citral ,limonene and terpinol.
These oils also inbihit various microbial strains of bacteria like Staphylococcus, Enterococcus and Pseudomonas which are mainly responsible for causing various infections.Nowadays these strains have become resistant to all the antibiotics used against them. Basil acts very well against them.
The eugenol present in the leaves acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
This herb also contains some antioxidants like beta-carotene and poly phenols like orientin and vicenin.
the leaves  are also used in the treatment of pimples.

The juice obtained by crushing these leaves is mixed with honey and taken to reduce flum and cold.It also reduces cough also.

Nutritionally Basil has many vitamins ,minerals in it. As it is a herb it is free from cholesterol and provides  more fiber.
This herb is rich in vitamin- A, vitamin- K and has some vitamin-C .
This herb is also rich in minerals like calcium, iron , manganese and magnesium.

Basil is also used in sesasoning many food preparations due to its wonderful flavor.
Like Mint and Cilantro ,it is added at the end of all food preparations.
In India , Basil is considered as a goddess and they worship this herb .