Many people think that to lose weight they must reduce their food intake. This thought is known to be wrong because you can reduce your food intake to a few days only.In some or the other time (like for instance in parties), you may get tempted and eat the food more than required. So , to lose weight you must consume a wide varieties of foods ( less quantity of each) .
I will explain you about this in detail now.
The dieticians in America suggest that eating 15 to 20 varieties of foods a week can reduce your weight.This variety includes adding all the food groups in to your diet.That is your food must contain various varieties of fruits, vegetables etc.there are a innumerable varieties of fruits.Consume a different fruit every week .There are many varieties of recipes that can be prepared from different vegetables.
Make a note of the number of fruits and vegetables available to you and how many varieties of recipes you can prepare from them.Plan according to that and start eating.
These variety foods should be prepared by adding little oil, butter etc. There are thousands of low calorie variety foods that can be prepared.
1. Due to the consumption of a variety of foods you receive all the essential nutrients required for your body.
2. You don't feel bored of eating food during the course of your weight loss trials.
3. You enjoy eating food and lose weight constantly.
Note:Here, wide variety of foods include food from food groups like fruits and vegetables but not high calorie foods.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Nutritional Value of onions and its role in weight loss
The scientific name of onion is Allium cepa . Shallots and Garlic also belong to the same family. There are two types of onions ; they are
Spring Onions and Globe Onions. Most people use Globe Onions for cooking in their daily life.These onions consist of following nutritional values. Now just let us have a look at the nutritional value of onions.
Spring Onions and Globe Onions. Most people use Globe Onions for cooking in their daily life.These onions consist of following nutritional values. Now just let us have a look at the nutritional value of onions.
Nutrients | Nutritive value |
Energy | 40kcals |
Sugars | 4.24gm |
fat | 0.1gm |
Protein | 1.1gm |
Water | 89.11gm |
Vit-A | 0.1microgm |
Thiamine | 0.046mg |
Potassium | 146mg |
Sodium | 4mg |
Calcium | 23mg |
Iron | 0.2mg |
Vit-C | 7.4mg |
Onions have very good medicinal values.In the olden days, the syrup made from onions and honey is used to cure cough.
Due to the high potassium content in it it is known to prevent high blood pressure.It is also known to prevent cancer.
Moreover, it is cholesterol free and fat free.
It is rich in fiber, potassium, Vitamin-C and water. It adds a lot of taste and flavor to the foods.
Disadvantage: The raw onions are known to produce some flatulence gas in the stomach but cooked onions do not produce any flatulence .
The pungent smell from the mouth after eating raw onions .
The other disadvantage is that all the calories that we receive from onions come from sugars.
Friday, February 6, 2009

Calorie: Calorie in scientific sense is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1gram of water to 1 degree centigrade.
But in nutrition sense,it is defined as a unit of energy produced which is equal to amount of heat contained in food and released upon oxidation by the body.
Daily caloric Need: The daily caloric requirment for normal people ranges from 1800-2400calories.But people become obese due to the consumption of more calories than required.Obesity also results due to lack of exercise which ultimately leads to the conversion of these calories into fat.The daily caloric requirement varies from age and gender also.This is shown in the table below.
If we consume more calories and do not spend all them then it is called positive energy balance.This is good for people who suffer with underweight. Who want to maintain their weight is spend as many calories as you consume.The other thing is spending more calories than that we consumed.This is called negative energy balance.
We can lose weight healthily by consuming the same number of calories as required normally by spending more calories than consumed.It means that if we consume 1800cals we must spend 2300cals.This is in another words also called negative energy balance.This is the best range .If anyone goes beyond that range(i.e spending 2500cals and consuming only 1800kcals) may suffer from lots of problems like aneroxia etc.This must be the aim to lose weight safely without any side effects.
But in nutrition sense,it is defined as a unit of energy produced which is equal to amount of heat contained in food and released upon oxidation by the body.
Daily caloric Need: The daily caloric requirment for normal people ranges from 1800-2400calories.But people become obese due to the consumption of more calories than required.Obesity also results due to lack of exercise which ultimately leads to the conversion of these calories into fat.The daily caloric requirement varies from age and gender also.This is shown in the table below.
Daily Caloric requirement:
Name | Calories |
Children | 1200kcals |
Teens girls and boys | 1400-1800kcals |
Adult women | 1800kcals |
Adult men | 2200-2400kcals |
If we consume more calories and do not spend all them then it is called positive energy balance.This is good for people who suffer with underweight. Who want to maintain their weight is spend as many calories as you consume.The other thing is spending more calories than that we consumed.This is called negative energy balance.
We can lose weight healthily by consuming the same number of calories as required normally by spending more calories than consumed.It means that if we consume 1800cals we must spend 2300cals.This is in another words also called negative energy balance.This is the best range .If anyone goes beyond that range(i.e spending 2500cals and consuming only 1800kcals) may suffer from lots of problems like aneroxia etc.This must be the aim to lose weight safely without any side effects.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tasty and Nutritious Fruit Salad

Today i want to tell you about a recipe which is low in calories and provides all the essential nutrients to the body.This recipe is very easy to prepare and very tasty.
Ingredients: Apple and Orange Juices=200ml
Cantoloupe -small
Mint and Almonds for decoration
Method of preparation: Take a vessel and pour the apple and orange juice in it.Now cut all the fruits into small pieces.Add all the pieces of the above listed fruits into the juice and mix it well .Mix the fruit pieces very well so that all the pieces get covered by the juice.Add mint and almonds on it.Keep this preparation aside for 2 hours so that each and every piece absorbs the juice evenly. If you wanna add any other fruits you can add that is your choice.
Note.If anyone feels like adding some sugar add honey instead of it.It gives sweetness and even good for health.
Nutritive value:This salad contains all the fruits (like pineapple) that provide lots of fiber in them.It is said that children should have atleast 2.5 to 5 cups of fruit pieces everyday and teens and adults should have 3.5 to 6 cups of fruit pieces everyday.This is very much useful to obese people.The fiber in the fruits act like a sponge and absorbs more water consumed by us.This brings the feeling of fullness earlier than normal food.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Importance of Fruits

As i said before Fruits are very much essential for losing weight healthily.There are lots of fruits available like apples,oranges,grapes, bananas,jackfruit,pineapple,strawberries,cherries,watermelon etc.these fruits provide all the essential vitamins , minerals and fiber required for our body.They even contain lots of antioxidants ,phytohormones in them.They are essential for people suffering from constipation also.The fiber present in the fruits help in the free bowel movement.
Of all the fruits the fruits that help in weight loss are ;
These fruits perform an outstanding role in weight loss. Consumption of fruits as dinner rather than rice or wheat helps in weight loss.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Citrus Fruits
Fruits play a very important role in losing weight in ahealthily manner.This is why because they don't have fat in them but provide essential nutrients required for our body.Citrus Fruits provide Vitamin-C which is very much essential for our body.
Nutritive Values of Citrus Fruits
Nutrients | Orange | Lemon | Lime | Lychee | Tangerine | GrapeFruit | Kumquat |
Water | 86.75g | 88.98g | 88.26g | 81.76g | 87.60g | 91.38g | 81.7g |
Energy | 47kcals | 29kcals | 30kcals | 66kcals | 44kcals | 30kcals | 63kcals |
Protein | 0.94g | 1.1g | 0.70g | 0.83g | 0.63g | 0.55g | 0.90g |
Total Fat | 0.94g | 0.30g | .20g | 0.44g | 0.19g | 0.10g | 0.10 |
Carbohydrate | 11.75g | 9.32g | 10.54g | 16.53g | 11.19g | 7.68g | 16.43g |
Fiber | 0.44g | 2.8g | 2.8g | 1.3g | 2.3g | 0g | 6.6 |
Calcium | 40mg | 26mg | 33mg | 5mg | 14mg | 1mg | 44mg |
Iron | 0.10mg | 0.60mg | 0.60mg | 0.31mg | 0.10mg | 0.12mg | 0.39mg |
Magnesium | 10mg | 8mg | 6mg | 10mg | 12mg | 8mg | 13mg |
Phosphorous | 14mg | 6mg | 102mg | 31mg | 10mg | 9mg | 19mg |
Potassium | 181mg | 138mg | 102mg | 171mg | 157mg | 129mg | 195mg |
Vitamin-C | 53.2mg | 53mg | 29.1mg | 71.5mg | 30.8mg | 38.1mg | 37.4mg |
Vitamin-A | 205IU | 29IU | 10IU | 0IU | 92IU | 259IU | 302IU |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0mg | 0mg | 0mg | 0mg | 0mg | 0mg |
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Obesity is caused due to.....................

Today i just want to say the causes of obesity.Generally we all know that obesity is caused due to the consumption of fatty foods and lack of exercise.There are many other causes of obesity other than this.They are,
1.Heredity:obesity is caused due to the transfer of obese genes from parent to the off-spring.There are 30 to 40% chances that obesity is caused due to this reason.Recently our scientists are trying to isolate the genes that are responsible for obesity and still the research is going on.
2.Food Habits:Nowadays food is available everywhere.Today if we take any shopping mall or a film theare,park or any other place every where food is sold.That too they contain lots of calories and fat in them.Watching television while eating is a bad habit and it leads to obesity.
3.Lack of exercise:Lack of exercise and sedentary life(due to modern working style) is the other cause of obesity.
4.Stress and hormones:Today life is full of tensions and stress.This stress causes a lot of health disorders and obesity is one of those.
Due to stress the hormonal imbalance occurs.Eg: Hypothyroidism:this is caused due to lowered production of thyroid hormones.hypothyroidism is one of the causes of obesity .
1.Heredity:obesity is caused due to the transfer of obese genes from parent to the off-spring.There are 30 to 40% chances that obesity is caused due to this reason.Recently our scientists are trying to isolate the genes that are responsible for obesity and still the research is going on.
2.Food Habits:Nowadays food is available everywhere.Today if we take any shopping mall or a film theare,park or any other place every where food is sold.That too they contain lots of calories and fat in them.Watching television while eating is a bad habit and it leads to obesity.
3.Lack of exercise:Lack of exercise and sedentary life(due to modern working style) is the other cause of obesity.
4.Stress and hormones:Today life is full of tensions and stress.This stress causes a lot of health disorders and obesity is one of those.
Due to stress the hormonal imbalance occurs.Eg: Hypothyroidism:this is caused due to lowered production of thyroid hormones.hypothyroidism is one of the causes of obesity .
Hormone Leptin:This hormone is responsible for the feeling of fullness in the stomach after consumption of food.When the activity of this hormone is hindered we donot feel fullness and we eat more.Ultimately this leads to obesity.
5.Use of Medications:The medications used for altered moods, anxiety,depression and migraines are known to cause obesity.Contraceptives and steroids are also responsible to cause obesity.One cause of obesity due to these medications is that they hold lots of water in the body which increases our weight.
6.Age:As the age increases the muscle gets decreased and the fat accumulation increases.This is why because the muscle is responsible for metabolism.Since the muscle gets reduced our body metabolism gets reduced and finally the fat gets accumulated.So as the age increases we must reduce our food quantity.
7.Gender:The fat accumulation is found to be more in females than males because males have more muscle than females.So the metabolic rate is more in males so more energy is utilized in them than females.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of nutrients to our body.They consists of lots of vitamins ,minerals,fiber ,water in them .They do not contain either fat or cholesterol in them.They are even very low in calories and carbohydrates.So adding green leafy vegetables in to the menu of those who wants to lose weight is a good practice.This green leafy vegetables like spinach ,Broccoli,lettuce,amaranth,coriander,etc contain lots of iron,calcium,thiamine ,vitamin-c and antioxidants in them.So make it a habit to add green leafy vegetables in your diet so that it helps you get your weight reduced.The foods in my menu till now contains Dry fruits and nuts ,sprouts and green leafy vegetables.These foods never put your weight on and instead they give you a lot of nutrients .These are the foods that are very low in calories and very high in nutrients.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Role of Coconut

Here is a video for you which explains much more about the importance and nutritive value of coconuts.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Losing weight healthily with Dates

Dates are a healthy delicious sweet snacks to be enjoyed between meals by everyone. Dates are dry fruits that help in losing weight and maintaining good health. A piece of dates provides 23calories of energy and 31gms of carbohydrates.Those who want to lose weight or those who don't want to gain weight must add this fruit in their menu(evening snacks).
A handful (minimum 5) of Dates a day is enough to meet the nutrient re quirements of the day .The main advantage and the reason why i prefer this dry fruit as an evening snack is that it has no cholesterol and no fat content in it.Moreover it provides all the necessary vitamins like thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid etc and minerals like potassium ,calcium and iron .The vitamins are required for maintaining the blood glucose levels.Iron is the prime element required for the production of red blood cells(R.B.C).
Dates also contain lots of fibrous material like tannins that add bulk to the food which helps in the free bowel movements.It also helps people who suffer from constipation.Those who get bored eating whole dates can use them in different forms.One Different way of using dates in another form is that Grinding the dates and using the grinded dates as a sweetening agent in sweets instead of sugar.This is very much helpful for people suffering from Diabetes.My suggestion to people who want to get their weight reduced is that add Dry fruits and sprouts in your daily menu.
Dates also contain lots of fibrous material like tannins that add bulk to the food which helps in the free bowel movements.It also helps people who suffer from constipation.Those who get bored eating whole dates can use them in different forms.One Different way of using dates in another form is that Grinding the dates and using the grinded dates as a sweetening agent in sweets instead of sugar.This is very much helpful for people suffering from Diabetes.My suggestion to people who want to get their weight reduced is that add Dry fruits and sprouts in your daily menu.
The above link provides you the complete nutritonal value of Dates.
Friday, January 16, 2009

Honey and Lemonjuice
Lemon juice contains citric acid which contains vitamin-c.This vitamin-c is required for our body to absorb all the other essential nutrients .So, add a spoon of Honey and 2 spoons of lemon juice to a small glass of water and drink this every mrng before you drink your 1lt of water.This helps your body to absorb all the essential nutrients you get by taking different kinds of food the whole day.
Vitamin-c is required for a healthy skin ,tooth and bones.Because Vitamin-c absorbs the calcium required for our bonesIt also provides the resistance to fight against the diseases/infections.It strengthens the immune system which helps us protect against diseases.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Your third step to lose weight:Healthy Diet.

After following the first two steps now coming into the third is a bit difficult.But if you feel losing weight is important to you, you don't feel them that much difficult.Eating sprouts and dry fruits gives you all the essential nutrients to your Diet never makes you feel tired and at the same time you will lose your weight gradually and permanently.
Sprouts: The third step includes adding new foods to your menu .The foods to be added are sprouts and dry fruits.The sprouts from green gram are very healthy .To add taste to your food add little salt, chilli powder and lemon juice so that u dont feel bad to eat them.Taking sprouts 3 days a week gives you a lot of energy .Sprouts contain lots of antioxidants that are very much necessary for good health.
Dry Fruits: Dry fruits include cashewnuts ,walnuts,pistachios,almonds etc.Here just take some almonds or any dry fruits and dip them in water for whole night and in the morning take those almonds or any other dry fruits out of water and eat them .Eating dry fruits daily too gives you a lot of energy.Consumption of dry fruits leads to the reduction of serum LDL levels .People who have a habit of eating nuts are less likely to suffer from heart diseases.
This is your third step to lose your weight and don't forget to exercise 30 mins a day .
Friday, January 9, 2009
Your Second Step to Lose Weight
You may think that this is the normal thing everyone says regarding dieting but i think it is a must in one's life who is not even obese.It keeps you fresh , strong and healthy.
Exercise : Now the thing is that you must start exercising from 15mins a day at first.Later after every 1 week as your body gets habituated you can increase your exercising time.And finally this must reach to minimum 1 hour a day.My methods of losing weight may seem to be slow but this is the correct way to lose your weight healthily and permanently.
Fasting Eventhough you follow this method there are no other restrictions .Like you can have your favourite food once in a month.Fasting is a good practice to people suffering from obesity as well as digestive problems.Try to practice Fasting once in a month.
Fasting in my sense does'nt mean to completely avoid food but try to have as much liquids as u can but restrict yourself eating solid foods.don't try to have lots of drinks(like coke etc) and all.have more water and fruit juices.This is your second step.
Exercise : Now the thing is that you must start exercising from 15mins a day at first.Later after every 1 week as your body gets habituated you can increase your exercising time.And finally this must reach to minimum 1 hour a day.My methods of losing weight may seem to be slow but this is the correct way to lose your weight healthily and permanently.
Fasting Eventhough you follow this method there are no other restrictions .Like you can have your favourite food once in a month.Fasting is a good practice to people suffering from obesity as well as digestive problems.Try to practice Fasting once in a month.
Fasting in my sense does'nt mean to completely avoid food but try to have as much liquids as u can but restrict yourself eating solid foods.don't try to have lots of drinks(like coke etc) and all.have more water and fruit juices.This is your second step.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Your First Step to Lose Weight
Nutrtitional Foods
Nutrition is the branch of science that deals with the study of foods that supply all essential nutrients to the Human body to perform daily functions.A balanced diet is a diet which provides all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates,fat,vitamins ,proteins and water to the body.Nowadays most people are suffering with diseases caused by an imbalanced diet.Many people in U.S.A and many other developed countries are suffering with diseases caused by fatty foods(eg: obesity).This obesity will lead to many other serious diseases which may cause death.So, consuming a balanced diet may save people from these diseases.I started this blog to make people aware of the results of a balanced diet
Losing weight is not that easy ,in the same way it is not a difficult thing if u have a strong will towards it.
Breakfast: Firstly, you need to take lots of liquids like water.Drink 2 to 4 lts of water everyday.Especially start drinking 1lt of water when you wake up in the morning.Then have your bath and all,Then have a light Breakfast.This breakfast includes either bread and jam or some sproutsor milk ,egg etc.
Nutrition is the branch of science that deals with the study of foods that supply all essential nutrients to the Human body to perform daily functions.A balanced diet is a diet which provides all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates,fat,vitamins ,proteins and water to the body.Nowadays most people are suffering with diseases caused by an imbalanced diet.Many people in U.S.A and many other developed countries are suffering with diseases caused by fatty foods(eg: obesity).This obesity will lead to many other serious diseases which may cause death.So, consuming a balanced diet may save people from these diseases.I started this blog to make people aware of the results of a balanced diet
Losing weight is not that easy ,in the same way it is not a difficult thing if u have a strong will towards it.
Breakfast: Firstly, you need to take lots of liquids like water.Drink 2 to 4 lts of water everyday.Especially start drinking 1lt of water when you wake up in the morning.Then have your bath and all,Then have a light Breakfast.This breakfast includes either bread and jam or some sproutsor milk ,egg etc.
Then coming to your lunch .Don't eat anything after your breakfast.Drink 1lt of water after 1hour of your breakfast.Then have your lunch with only vegetarian food and not non-veg.Now try not to drink water in between your lunch .After 1hour of your lunch drink 1lt of water again. Snacks :Have some light snacks you like .Keep in your mind that you must not eat a very heavy and high calorie food.
Dinner :Having your dinner as early as possible is a good habit.Having your dinner by 7 in the night is a good practice . Take a very light diet in the night so that it gets digested by the time you go to bed.Don't forget to drink a lt of water an hour before having your dinner.This practice gets you into the first step of dieting.
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